St. Martin Center

St. Martin Center, Inc. has served the citizens of Erie County for over sixty years. We offer a whole range of valuable programs to assist any member of our community who has fallen into crisis: from rental & utility assistance, emergency foodstuffs and prescription assistance to credit, first-time homebuyers and financial literacy counseling, we here at the St. Martin Center pride ourselves in offering crucial community services at no cost to our clients. Over the years we have served hundreds of veterans from across the Erie region, and we see it as our mission to serve those who dutifully served Our Country.
Housing Services
- Pre-Purchase Homebuyers Education/Pre-Closing Counseling (ext. 207)
- Credit and Budget Counseling (ext. 223, 228, 207)
- Financial Literacy Counseling and Workshops (ext. 223)
- Foreclosure Prevention Counseling (ext. 228)
Social Services
- Emergency Assistance (rent, prescriptions, utilities – 1x/year – pending funding availability)
- Vouchers for small household goods and clothing items (1x/30 days)
- Emergency Food Pantry (1x/30 days)
- Transportation Assistance (out of town medical appts – 1x/year)
- Bus Tokens (new employment purposes only) – 1x/year)
- Senior Food Program (60+ years/income limitations)
- Special Seasonal Programs
- Thanksgiving Basket
- Shining Stars Christmas Gift Program (for children 12 yrs of age and under)
*For all Social Service appointments, call between 9:30-11:30 AM and 1:30-3:30 PM. For Food Pantry appointments, press ext. 7. For all other Social Service appointments, press ext. 213.
Other Services
- Bishop’s Breakfast Program – hot breakfast for homeless and near-homeless men, women and children on weekday mornings
- PA Workwear Program – providing men’s clothing for interviews, trainings, and employment
- St. Martin Early Learning Center – Keystone STAR 4 rated facility (serving children ages 6 weeks to 13 years)
- PCAP (electric) – Dollar Energy (888)282-6816
- LIRA (gas) – (814)871-8200
- LIHEAP (Department of Human Services – 1316 Holland Street)